Grace Bible Church is a small, Christ-centered Bible church in Port Charlotte, Florida. Our Pastor, Mark Clarke, does expository (verse-by-verse) preaching.
Sunday Morning
We start out with a scripture reading, followed by about thirty minutes of singing. Our music team leads us in a variety of songs, from old-time hymns to newer praise choruses.
After the singing, the children are free to go to junior church or nursery if the parents so desire. These ministries are led by our young people. Pastor Mark (or, on occasion, another brother) brings a message from the passage we are currently studying as God leads.
We have about fifteen to twenty minutes to commune afterward, and then Grace Bible Institute begins. This is a time where we usually discuss the message with Pastor Mark–bringing up questions, comments, and practical applications. (Childcare is also provided during this time.)
1st Sundays
The first Sunday of every month is our communion service, which is quite a bit different from our normal services. You’ll notice that as soon as you walk in–the chairs are set up in a large circle, and the table with the bread and the cup is in the center. We sing a few hymns, and Pastor Mark Clarke delivers the message God has laid on his heart.
After that, there is a time for everyone and anyone in the congregation to respond to the message, suggest a hymn to sing, praise God, confess something on their heart, read a passage of scripture, or anything else that the Holy Spirit prompts for the edification of the body. There is then given the opportunity for various men from the assembly, who have prepared themselves, to lead us in worship around the table by drawing our attention to Christ and the significance of communion. We then pass out the elements and partake.
[Church membership is not required to partake, as we welcome all who are in the family of Christ to join us in this show of unity, but ask those who are not believers to abstain. Please see 1st Corinthians 11:23–29]
Afterward, we form a big circle around the church and sing a verse from a song. Following the service, we have our fellowship (potluck) meal, to which all are welcome. Everyone enjoys helping set up and getting to spend time with fellow believers.
You can read more about our Pastor here.