Movie Night — Good News Club

02/08/2019 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Grace Bible Church
403 Rockcroft St
Port Charlotte, FL 33954

Join us for a fam­i­ly movie night at 7:00pm on Fri­day (2/8/19) at Grace Bible Church.  We will be watch­ing Trea­sures of the Snow.

Trea­sures of the Snow is a sto­ry of friend­ship and for­give­ness filmed in the breath­tak­ing Swiss Alps.

Lucien, a lone­ly fright­ened boy of 13, is over­tak­en by cat­a­stroph­ic events and he finds him­self an out­cast with his fam­i­ly, school friends, and espe­cial­ly the very hos­tile Annette from the neigh­bor­ing farm.  Impelled to escape, the fugi­tive boy finds peace high up in the for­est, where he meets a wood­carv­er who encour­ages him.  But when rejec­tion comes again, he dis­cov­ers the hard way that a price has to be paid for for­give­ness before there can be any reconciliation.