Calendar of Events

Cal­en­dar of upcom­ing Grace Bible Church Events:

Events in March 2025 

  • Fam­i­ly & Career Study

    Family & Career Study


    A study tar­get­ing those mar­ried or sin­gle in their ~20s-30s, cur­rent­ly study­ing Ecclesiastes.

    Mas­ter’s Apprentice

    Master’s Apprentice


    Loose­ly encom­pass­ing age-groups in upper ele­men­tary through 20s, Mas­ter’s Appren­tice focus­es on train­ing young peo­ple in the pre­cepts of Chris­tian­i­ty, so they may become solid­ly ground­ed in their faith.
    Elders Rob Mann and Tom Smith spear­head the group–see them for more information.

  • Church His­to­ry Class

    Church History Class


    Join us for an insight­ful study of ear­ly church his­to­ry and its impli­ca­tions for the church today!

    Ladies’ Prayer and Fellowship

    Ladies’ Prayer and Fellowship


    Join the women of Grace Bible Church for a time of prayer and fel­low­ship! Every Third and Fifth Sun­day in the front room.

    Mas­ter’s Apprentice

    Master’s Apprentice


    Loose­ly encom­pass­ing age-groups in upper ele­men­tary through 20s, Mas­ter’s Appren­tice focus­es on train­ing young peo­ple in the pre­cepts of Chris­tian­i­ty, so they may become solid­ly ground­ed in their faith.
    Elders Rob Mann and Tom Smith spear­head the group–see them for more information.

  • Fam­i­ly & Career Study

    Family & Career Study


    A study tar­get­ing those mar­ried or sin­gle in their ~20s-30s, cur­rent­ly study­ing Ecclesiastes.

    Mas­ter’s Apprentice

    Master’s Apprentice


    Loose­ly encom­pass­ing age-groups in upper ele­men­tary through 20s, Mas­ter’s Appren­tice focus­es on train­ing young peo­ple in the pre­cepts of Chris­tian­i­ty, so they may become solid­ly ground­ed in their faith.
    Elders Rob Mann and Tom Smith spear­head the group–see them for more information.

  • Church His­to­ry Class

    Church History Class


    Join us for an insight­ful study of ear­ly church his­to­ry and its impli­ca­tions for the church today!

    Ladies’ Prayer and Fellowship

    Ladies’ Prayer and Fellowship


    Join the women of Grace Bible Church for a time of prayer and fel­low­ship! Every Third and Fifth Sun­day in the front room.

    Mas­ter’s Apprentice

    Master’s Apprentice


    Loose­ly encom­pass­ing age-groups in upper ele­men­tary through 20s, Mas­ter’s Appren­tice focus­es on train­ing young peo­ple in the pre­cepts of Chris­tian­i­ty, so they may become solid­ly ground­ed in their faith.
    Elders Rob Mann and Tom Smith spear­head the group–see them for more information.