Grace Bible Youth


The tar­get­ed age-group is young adults in their teens and twen­ties. We aspire to have all par­tic­i­pants able to con­tribute to mature con­ver­sa­tion. Sam Bahena and his wife, Han­nah, lead the meeting.


The meet­ing is every oth­er Thurs­day night start­ing at 5:30 PM. You can look at the cal­en­dar here to see if we are meet­ing this week.


We meet at Grace Bible Church. For more infor­ma­tion go the loca­tion page.


The goal of the meet­ing is to learn what we believe as Chris­tians and why we should hold those beliefs. We want you to leaves excit­ed about your rela­tion­ship with God and ready to lis­ten and fol­low His will for your life.