Pure Desire Ministries

Pure Desire Ministries Home Page

We at Grace Bible rec­og­nize the press­ing need for the peo­ple of God to pur­sue sex­u­al puri­ty, which in many cas­es involves the need for restoration–with God, self, and others. 

We also rec­og­nize that restora­tion is often dif­fi­cult and can­not, nor should not, be done in iso­la­tion. For this rea­son, we are mak­ing Pure Desire Min­istries avail­able to mem­bers seek­ing to use their resources.

Pure Desire Min­istries describes their work as:

The Pure Desire pro­gram address­es the evi­dence-based under­stand­ing that sex­u­al bro­ken­ness and the asso­ci­at­ed strug­gles are a fam­i­ly sys­tems issue, not just an indi­vid­ual prob­lem. 

“For this rea­son, heal­ing needs to hap­pen for the entire fam­i­ly. The per­son strug­gling needs heal­ing, as well as the spouse who has expe­ri­enced betray­al. 

“Our approach is prac­ti­cal and applic­a­ble to dai­ly life. We offer a library of resources to guide men and women through the heal­ing process.”

In addi­tion to books, blogs, and pod­casts, Pure Desire Min­istries offers a host of licensed-coun­sel­ing ser­vices, events, and software.

If you would like to use any of their paid resources, please speak with Pas­tor Mark or any of our elders, and they can assist you through the account we have opened with them.